A program of Volunteers of America Northern California & Northern Nevada
Inspiring foster youth to BELIEVE and ACHIEVE

Dream Team
Tamara Earl: Program Director
Desirae Comstock: Program Assistant
Volunteers of America Bay Area Advisory Board:
Wendy Dunivan: President of Board, Earl D. Dunivan & Associates
Sheri Mascarro: Secratery & Treasurer of Board, Business Manager, Goodwill Industries
Donna Brackley: Senior Vice President of Patient Care, John Muir Health
Erin Halisey: Public Affairs Rep. & Communications Specialist, Shell Oil, Martinez
Vicki McDaniel: Territory Manager, Safeco Insurance
Muzette Perry: Human Resource Manager, Underground Construction, Benicia
Linda Hendrickson: Career Coach, Steps for Success
We are currently looking for passionate, talented and committed advisory board members. If you are interested in joining the Dream Team, give us a call at 925-228-0200.
Dream Maker’s Society: consist of compassionate community investors who have made a ongoing commitment to foster youth in our community pledging $1,000 or more for 5 + years.