A program of Volunteers of America Northern California & Northern Nevada
Inspiring foster youth to BELIEVE and ACHIEVE

As the board chair for Foster A Dream, Inc, I am excited to announce that Foster A Dream Inc. has merged with Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada. This merger provides us with a much broader reach and the potential to expand and enhance our services.Volunteers of America offers more than 45 programs aimed at ending homelessness, supporting the most vulnerable and transforming our community into a safer, healthier place. Volunteers of America first began providing services through a chapel and soup kitchen 116 years ago. Today,Volunteers of America provides 1,960 men, women, families, former foster youth and seniors with shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing and affordable housing in Northern California. This is a natural fit with the work we have been doing with the foster youth in the Bay Area for the past 10 years.
As you might imagine, with a merger comes changes. However, even with changes, our commitment to providing programs that empower foster youth to change their lives forever remains constant. Because of this commitment, the Foster a Dream board has transitioned to an Advisory Board, which I am proud to be a part of. I have also accepted the invitation to join the board of Volunteers of America Northern California and Northern Nevada. I want to continue to be an advocate for foster youth and I look forward to learning how we as a community can build bright futures for all of our neighbors in need.
Please visit our new home at www.voa-ncnn.org or click here to go directly to Foster A Dream programs. Thank you for your continuing support of our life-changing programs.
Wendy Dunivan
Board Member
Volunteers of America